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grand rapids years: vacation pictures, mostly "out west"





Monday, January 11, 2016

GO TO GR & DO WHAT?! "N.Y. Times: Grand Rapids a top travel spot for 2016"

HEY FOLKS,I GREW UP IN GR,& AM PROUD OF MY CITY,and think of it as a nice place to live & raise kids,and especially love the summer,the lakes,etc (albeit the winters can be a bit long),but if you're a typical international tourist from China,what would they do there for a week? Most tourists want something like disneyland,or a sea world,or a big zoo (john ball is cute but its not a san diego zoo),a place to ski (cannonsburg is a great place if u live there,but not for tourist skiing)...so I'm just wondering how ny times figures its a place to recommend for international tourists. Its a place to move to for a job & to raise a family. Its a place to spend a day or two if you are passing thru the area (as opposed to trying to get thru as fast as possible). But its not an international destination,especially in the winter. Just saying.

"The Furniture City was ranked 20th on the publication's list of 52 Places to Go in 2016:..."
