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grand rapids years: vacation pictures, mostly "out west"





Tuesday, January 12, 2016

AS USUAL,SNOW DAY 4 ALL (except GR)! "School closings: Snow storm keeps Rockford, Hudsonville, Grandville, other students home" | MLive.com

That's one thing I remember growing up in GR,,listening to the radio at 5 or 6 in the morning to the list of school closures,and it was usually all the rural areas but very rarely Grand Rapids (Kent county) because we had all the snowplows,salt trucks, & infrastructure,etc. Only when a really big blizzard hit would the GR public schools be closed,and that wouldn't guarantee that our GR Christian schools would be closed. It would have to be a super-blizzard before our Christian schools would close for a day.Boo hoo.
