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Sunday, November 22, 2015

THIS HELPS,TO KNOW THEIR STORIES,but "Syrian refugees detail their daring escapes, new life in Michigan" | MLive.com

THIS HELPS,TO KNOW THEIR STORIES,but so often the liberals coach them to not tell anybody anything about themselves. So when we try to get to know them & help them they actually seem standoffish,at least here in southern Cal. I remember once asking a new nurse with a significant accent where she was from and she gasped as if I had committed a serious faux paux (social blunder). Why?! Its very clear to most of us who grew up here when somebody is not from here. We just want to know their story. They can ask me anything about ME,why can't I ask about them?

Mohammad and his brother, Kossai, who also resettled
in Grand Rapids with his wife and two small children, are
among those who say they wanted nothing to do with
the conflict...."
