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Friday, October 16, 2015

Fwd: Chk,TOUGH TIMES 4 ART HISTORY & THEATRE @ CALVIN: "Calvin professor says program cuts, layoffs feel like 'betrayal'" | MLive.com

Art history! I remember being persuaded by the art history professor at Calvin College to take his class when I was a freshman...my first semester...(back when registration was done in the gym by walking from table to table with professors sitting there representing their classes and talking to us as we wondered about what classes to take)  .  I had NO IDEA it was considered one of the most difficult classes at the college, and even many of the art majors themselves have a difficult time with the class. Why this professor played such a trick on my I do not know. He knew I wasn't interested in art as a major, so why would he try to trick me into thinking I should take it as a simple way to get one of my core classes completed ? I still don't know. I managed to pass with a C. That was my first semester at college. Not the way you want to begin your college career. I went on to make academic honors no thanks to this C in art history, a class I didn't need. And yet this many years later I value that class and even have an art blog that I maintain, and draw on a few memories from that class when I go to art museums. Nonetheless, I still wonder why the professor played this dirty trick on me.  Maybe he's getting laid off now too. But then i think he retired many years ago. 


If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9