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grand rapids years: vacation pictures, mostly "out west"



Sunday, March 23, 2014

graduating from millbrook junior high, 1982

our Christian junior high school was 7th-9th, '79-82 or thereabouts. Millbrook was in Kentwood, Michigan, a suburb of Grand Rapids, literally right next to Steelcase off of 36th street. I would take the bus there most days, although sometimes my dad would drop us off (my older brother was in 9th grade when I was in 7th grade) on his way to work at the hospital, where he was a chaplain....
...millbrook was a nice little building with a gym, baseball field, and a larger field next to it for soccer, track & field etc, and behind that an open "forest" of sorts where we would explore for bugs & insects for our science projects. Across from the school parking lot was Millbrook CRC (church). 
 ...I don't have many pictures from the millbrook days. At the moment I can only find this single picture from graduation, although I have a few more on a file somewhere, including our class play ("king Arthur"). By & large I enjoyed Millbrook. I played basketball. Mr Duyst was our coach. We had a lot of good teachers, including Ms. Bylsma, Mr. Steensma (could be stern), Mr. Brouwer (sometimes grouchy), Mr. Sweetman (most down-to-earth teacher, also attended our family's church), Mr. Bulthuis (our band teacher, RIP, later I found out he had also taught in Edgerton, MN,another small CRC town where I have family ties as well), and the list goes on. There was also Mr. Buma, our principal, who also spoke Dutch, and in fact may have been directly from the Netherlands (as opposed to a Dutch  ancestor like most of us at millbrook).


“In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome..”