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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

SHE HI-JACKED CALVIN & CRC for PERSONAL AMBITIONS:"Winnie Brinks fends off Donijo DeJonge in Democratic win for Michigan House"| MLive.com

[...she goes against the values of most CRC Christians yet is identified as a "CRC member". I knew her & her husband (dorm-mate & son of CRC missionary) but at the time didn't know how far left they had gone]
"...The re-election of Brinks, a Christian Reformed
Church member who's pro-choice and supports gay
marriage, keeps the seat in Democratic hands two
years after then-incumbent Roy Schmidt switched to
the Republican Party in an election-rigging scandal.
During her first term, Brinks introduced legislation to
reverse Republican-supported changes to the state's
income tax laws including elimination of a child tax
deduction, reduction of the Earned Income Tax Credit
and a new tax on pensions..."